#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2018-01-23 18:47:37 +0200 (Tue, 23 Jan 2018) $ #$Revision: 362 $ #$URL: svn:// $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Raman Open Database (ROD), # http://solsa.crystallography.net/rod/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_1000011 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Babouri, L' 'Belmokre, K' 'Abdelouas, A.' 'Bardeau, J' 'El Mendili, Y' _publ_section_title ; The Inhibitive Effect of Cerium Carbonate on the Corrosion of Brass in 3% NaCl Solution ; _journal_name_full 'International journal of electrochemical science' _journal_page_first 7818 _journal_page_last 7832 _journal_volume 10 _journal_year 2015 _chemical_compound_source 'corrosion product' _chemical_formula_structural 'Cu2 O' _chemical_formula_sum 'Cu2 O' _chemical_name_mineral Cuprite _chemical_name_systematic 'dicopper(I) oxide' _space_group_IT_number 224 _cell_angle_alpha 90.00000 _cell_angle_beta 90.00000 _cell_angle_gamma 90.00000 _cell_length_a 4.2685 _cell_length_b 4.2685 _cell_length_c 4.2685 _raman_determination_method experimental _[local]_chemical_compound_color brown _[local]_chemical_compound_state Solid _raman_measurement_device.location 'IMMM Maine university' _raman_measurement_device.company 'HORIBA Jobin Yvon' _raman_measurement_device.model T64000 _raman_measurement_device.optics_type microscope _raman_measurement_device.microscope_system dispersive _raman_measurement_device.microscope_objective_magnification 100 _raman_measurement_device.microscope_numerical_aperture 0.90 _raman_measurement_device.excitation_laser_type Argon-Krypton _raman_measurement_device.excitation_laser_wavelength 514 _raman_measurement_device.configuration simple _raman_measurement_device.resolution 2 _raman_measurement_device.power_on_sample 2 _raman_measurement_device.direction_polarization unoriented _raman_measurement_device.spot_size 0.8 _raman_measurement_device.diffraction_grating 600 _raman_measurement.environment Air _raman_measurement.environment_details ; The sample was measured in air. ; _raman_measurement.temperature 300 _raman_measurement.pressure 100 _raman_measurement.background_subtraction no _raman_measurement.background_subtraction_details ; No background subtraction method was applied. ; _raman_measurement.baseline_correction no _raman_measurement.baseline_correction_details ; No baseline correction method was applied. ; _raman_measurement.integration_time 600 _raman_measurement.range_min 102.161 _raman_measurement.range_max 1400 _rod_data_source.file Cu2O.rod _rod_data_source.block 1000007 _rod_database.code 1000011 loop_ _raman_complementary.id _raman_complementary.method 1 EDX loop_ _raman_measurement_device_calibration.id _raman_measurement_device_calibration.standard 1 Silicon_wafer 2 Diamond loop_ _rod_related_entry.id _rod_related_entry.code _rod_related_entry.database _rod_related_entry.uri _rod_related_entry.description 1 9007497 COD http://www.crystallography.net/cod/9007497.html ; no XRD analysis data. ; loop_ _raman_spectrum.raman_shift _raman_spectrum.intensity 102.161 14750.3 104.327 14561.6 106.494 14373 108.661 14309.3 110.827 14281.1 112.994 14153.1 115.161 13947.08 117.327 13704.46 119.494 13391.61 121.661 13074.32 123.827 12726.41 125.994 12378.49 128.161 12175.18 130.327 11985.93 132.494 11731.47 134.661 11448.72 136.827 11264.27 138.994 11184.85 141.161 11154.77 143.327 11257 145.494 11364.81 147.661 11558.66 149.827 11752.52 151.994 11588.98 154.161 11363.04 156.327 11012 158.494 10591.45 160.661 10278.49 162.827 10105.05 164.994 9934.53 167.161 9773.85 169.328 9614.98 171.494 9530.41 173.661 9445.83 175.828 9467.3 177.994 9511.94 180.161 9569.11 182.328 9634.05 184.494 9715 186.661 9818.45 188.828 9923.77 190.994 10035.95 193.161 10146.12 195.328 10132.62 197.494 10119.13 199.661 10191.21 201.828 10282.42 203.994 10367.87 206.161 10449.82 208.328 10565.51 210.494 10726.98 212.661 10938.4 214.828 11317.12 216.994 11690.75 219.161 11930.12 221.328 12169.49 223.494 11812.65 225.661 11345.01 227.828 10719.31 229.994 10009.28 232.161 9448.76 234.328 9062.28 236.495 8729.52 238.661 8539.78 240.828 8352.38 242.995 8190.51 245.161 8028.63 247.328 7911.15 249.495 7798.76 251.661 7678.62 253.828 7555.33 255.995 7458.7 258.161 7386 260.328 7333.81 262.495 7320.68 264.661 7303.09 266.828 7262.45 268.995 7221.8 271.161 7182.48 273.328 7143.19 275.495 7154.42 277.661 7178.28 279.828 7192.84 281.995 7201.72 284.161 7204.97 286.328 7201.14 288.495 7199.88 290.661 7205.71 292.828 7209.14 294.995 7188.76 297.161 7168.38 299.328 7141.23 301.495 7113.46 303.661 7101.89 305.828 7095.9 307.995 7078.62 310.162 7052.82 312.328 7032.55 314.495 7020.56 316.662 7012.67 318.828 7018.51 320.995 7024.12 323.162 7026.12 325.328 7028.12 327.495 6997.85 329.662 6963.69 331.828 6951.2 333.995 6946.89 336.162 6931.19 338.328 6906.55 340.495 6891.67 342.662 6891.67 344.828 6895.86 346.995 6913.9 349.162 6930.09 351.328 6921.92 353.495 6913.74 355.662 6936.57 357.828 6962.49 359.995 6985.2 362.162 7006.82 364.328 7009.46 366.495 6998.96 368.662 7000.96 370.828 7019.35 372.995 7026.69 375.162 7005.04 377.328 6987.4 379.495 6999.01 381.662 7010.61 383.829 7032.54 385.995 7054.84 388.162 7075.5 390.329 7095.78 392.495 7130 394.662 7171.38 396.829 7223.13 398.995 7284.84 401.162 7335.61 403.329 7366.94 405.495 7397.74 407.662 7426.61 409.829 7453.29 411.995 7447.23 414.162 7441.17 416.329 7454.05 418.495 7468.65 420.662 7468.29 422.829 7463.47 424.995 7450.95 427.162 7433.84 429.329 7407.56 431.495 7371.46 433.662 7336.95 435.829 7305.5 437.995 7284.03 440.162 7302.57 442.329 7320.11 444.495 7321.98 446.662 7323.85 448.829 7321.85 450.996 7319.51 453.162 7321.2 455.329 7324.01 457.496 7339.92 459.662 7363.01 461.829 7376.08 463.996 7379.52 466.162 7390.1 468.329 7412.6 470.496 7439.98 472.662 7482.65 474.829 7521.38 476.996 7527.95 479.162 7534.52 481.329 7575.84 483.496 7617.94 485.662 7650.61 487.829 7681.6 489.996 7731.06 492.162 7787.77 494.329 7846.81 496.496 7907.47 498.662 7968.35 500.829 8029.51 502.996 8074.19 505.162 8086.57 507.329 8095 509.496 8088.72 511.662 8085.7 513.829 8116.16 515.996 8146.63 518.162 8100.78 520.329 8052.23 522.496 8107.83 524.663 8182.66 526.829 8184.43 528.996 8158.31 531.163 8141.05 533.329 8129.56 535.496 8116.01 537.663 8100.27 539.829 8084.06 541.996 8067.05 544.163 8046.09 546.329 8013.48 548.496 7979.12 550.663 7933.86 552.829 7889.69 554.996 7890.47 557.163 7891.26 559.329 7897.51 561.496 7904.3 563.663 7917.15 565.829 7931.51 567.996 7966.64 570.163 8011.21 572.329 8038.23 574.496 8052.46 576.663 8078.95 578.829 8119.27 580.996 8158.91 583.163 8197.37 585.329 8229.96 587.496 8245.48 589.663 8259.59 591.83 8265.77 593.996 8275.65 596.163 8362.34 598.33 8449.03 600.496 8481.8 602.663 8511.3 604.83 8570.67 606.996 8635.71 609.163 8659.59 611.33 8668.95 613.496 8720.74 615.663 8796.49 617.83 8848.75 619.996 8881 622.163 8909.74 624.33 8934.06 626.496 8968.32 628.663 9021.46 630.83 9054.9 632.996 9029.13 635.163 9006.87 637.33 9003.84 639.496 8997.91 641.663 8946.6 643.83 8895.3 645.996 8803.11 648.163 8709.58 650.33 8603.96 652.496 8496.63 654.663 8381.23 656.83 8263.64 658.997 8143.37 661.163 8021.95 663.33 7926.57 665.497 7847.99 667.663 7792.44 669.83 7758.09 671.997 7724.77 674.163 7692.79 676.33 7651.49 678.497 7592.81 680.663 7546.19 682.83 7533.07 684.997 7522.48 687.163 7523.28 689.33 7521.61 691.497 7497.57 693.663 7474.16 695.83 7482.17 697.997 7490.18 700.163 7479.07 702.33 7466.73 704.497 7441.4 706.663 7413.97 708.83 7405.99 710.997 7403.42 713.163 7382.73 715.33 7354.46 717.497 7329.43 719.663 7306.3 721.83 7308.49 723.997 7331 726.164 7321.05 728.33 7276.19 730.497 7245.79 732.664 7236.29 734.83 7234.89 736.997 7249.38 739.164 7255.41 741.33 7238.17 743.497 7223.51 745.664 7219.32 747.83 7210.66 749.997 7171.96 752.164 7135.86 754.33 7138.92 756.497 7141.99 758.664 7160.16 760.83 7178.39 762.997 7176.66 765.164 7173.43 767.33 7156.5 769.497 7137.43 771.664 7139.38 773.83 7146.49 775.997 7156.24 778.164 7166.92 780.33 7174.4 782.497 7180.39 784.664 7186.08 786.83 7191.58 788.997 7183.65 791.164 7165.19 793.33 7170.41 795.497 7199.1 797.664 7205.31 799.831 7183.59 801.997 7178.74 804.164 7200.32 806.331 7218.09 808.497 7228.32 810.664 7231.42 812.831 7216.32 814.997 7200.1 817.164 7180.13 819.331 7162.12 821.497 7153.34 823.664 7147.49 825.831 7161.96 827.997 7174.53 830.164 7163.95 832.331 7153.71 834.497 7155.17 836.664 7156.64 838.831 7145.34 840.997 7133.78 843.164 7105.79 845.331 7076.63 847.497 7082.16 849.664 7092.1 851.831 7095.18 853.997 7096.97 856.164 7104.64 858.331 7113.78 860.497 7106.11 862.664 7093.05 864.831 7083.14 866.997 7074.48 869.164 7086.23 871.331 7107.8 873.497 7122.63 875.664 7133.59 877.831 7128.62 879.998 7112.92 882.164 7122.67 884.331 7152.45 886.498 7164.01 888.664 7158.93 890.831 7167.61 892.998 7190.71 895.164 7196.04 897.331 7179.98 899.498 7185.07 901.664 7219.35 903.831 7234.16 905.998 7218.24 908.164 7216.73 910.331 7241.18 912.498 7250.71 914.664 7229.35 916.831 7225.99 918.998 7265.28 921.164 7299.57 923.331 7320.29 925.498 7334.69 927.664 7329.26 929.831 7324.18 931.998 7320.4 934.164 7316.21 936.331 7310.28 938.498 7307.33 940.664 7319.36 942.831 7324.35 944.998 7287.26 947.165 7257.48 949.331 7280.73 951.498 7302.7 953.665 7313.1 955.831 7319.95 957.998 7285.6 960.165 7254.5 962.331 7273.82 964.498 7293.16 966.665 7312.83 968.831 7331.72 970.998 7320.64 973.165 7309.72 975.331 7315.18 977.498 7320.63 979.665 7316.72 981.831 7312.75 983.998 7322.89 986.165 7333.32 988.331 7356.41 990.498 7379.93 992.665 7376.89 994.831 7372.58 996.998 7380.16 999.165 7388.45 1001.33 7405.42 1003.5 7423 1005.66 7412.83 1007.83 7400.38 1010 7430.09 1012.16 7463.65 1014.33 7464.55 1016.5 7462.22 1018.66 7490.4 1020.83 7521.81 1023 7527.99 1025.16 7531.32 1027.33 7541.05 1029.5 7551.53 1031.66 7560.39 1033.83 7569.04 1036 7587.93 1038.16 7608.09 1040.33 7630.62 1042.5 7653.45 1044.67 7645.63 1046.83 7633.96 1049 7634.15 1051.17 7635.82 1053.33 7647.75 1055.5 7660.94 1057.67 7676.07 1059.83 7691.44 1062 7684.14 1064.17 7674.28 1066.33 7686.32 1068.5 7700.7 1070.67 7707.17 1072.83 7712.86 1075 7737.56 1077.17 7764 1079.33 7756.25 1081.5 7745.71 1083.67 7754.22 1085.83 7764.1 1088 7773.04 1090.17 7781.92 1092.33 7765.55 1094.5 7747.94 1096.67 7748.63 1098.83 7749.97 1101 7716.5 1103.17 7682.26 1105.33 7739.14 1107.5 7796.21 1109.67 7778.4 1111.83 7761.73 1114 7793.32 1116.17 7824.37 1118.33 7842.2 1120.5 7858.73 1122.67 7854.02 1124.83 7849.78 1127 7851.3 1129.17 7848.59 1131.33 7805.98 1133.5 7770.44 1135.67 7788.47 1137.83 7807.76 1140 7834.9 1142.17 7858.97 1144.33 7867.07 1146.5 7877.66 1148.67 7899.26 1150.83 7918.1 1153 7926.54 1155.17 7932.13 1157.33 7928.41 1159.5 7931.06 1161.67 7951.68 1163.83 7963.69 1166 7954.57 1168.17 7953.44 1170.33 7969.51 1172.5 7980.65 1174.67 7982.51 1176.83 7979.83 1179 7969.67 1181.17 7964.64 1183.33 7967.01 1185.5 7972.9 1187.67 7983.24 1189.83 7991.89 1192 7998.67 1194.17 8000.62 1196.33 7997.9 1198.5 7991.49 1200.67 7981.98 1202.83 7965.96 1205 7945.24 1207.17 7938.28 1209.33 7939.81 1211.5 7953.4 1213.67 7973.29 1215.83 7978.39 1218 7977.03 1220.17 7979.55 1222.33 7983.46 1224.5 7982.48 1226.67 7980.1 1228.83 7974.5 1231 7968.2 1233.17 8000.41 1235.33 8038.75 1237.5 8003.39 1239.67 7960.42 1241.83 7998.76 1244 8041.25 1246.17 8038.1 1248.33 8036.25 1250.5 8064.25 1252.67 8088.97 1254.83 8081.45 1257 8075.8 1259.17 8081.44 1261.33 8087.57 1263.5 8095.78 1265.67 8102.62 1267.83 8105.19 1270 8112.84 1272.17 8132.69 1274.33 8143.24 1276.5 8136.21 1278.67 8136.39 1280.83 8147.35 1283 8164.64 1285.17 8189.5 1287.33 8212.44 1289.5 8233.54 1291.67 8231.38 1293.83 8211.47 1296 8217.62 1298.17 8239.42 1300.33 8267.22 1302.5 8297.79 1304.67 8291.76 1306.83 8273.03 1309 8280.24 1311.17 8293.83 1313.33 8292.54 1315.5 8288.93 1317.67 8286.75 1319.83 8284.69 1322 8308.35 1324.17 8331.49 1326.33 8340.62 1328.5 8348.58 1330.67 8347.9 1332.83 8346.57 1335 8342.43 1337.17 8348.09 1339.33 8382.76 1341.5 8401.64 1343.67 8386.96 1345.83 8380.55 1348 8387.12 1350.17 8387.65 1352.33 8381.08 1354.5 8388.82 1356.67 8409.22 1358.83 8421.6 1361 8428.69 1363.17 8445.83 1365.33 8467.81 1367.5 8466.73 1369.67 8457.9 1371.83 8456.62 1374 8456.96 1376.17 8488.15 1378.33 8522.82 1380.5 8537.7 1382.67 8548.9 1384.83 8502.77 1387 8468.77 1389.17 8515.47 1391.33 8549.92 1393.5 8538.46 1395.67 8530.23 1397.83 8529.88 1400 8533.29