#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2018-02-06 16:24:47 +0200 (Tue, 06 Feb 2018) $ #$Revision: 419 $ #$URL: svn:// $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Raman Open Database (ROD), # http://solsa.crystallography.net/rod/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_3500203 loop_ _publ_author_name 'El Mendili, Y' 'Secchi, M' 'Zannatta, M' _publ_section_title ; Raman spectrum of commercial NbO2 ; _journal_name_full 'Personal communication to ROD' _journal_year 2018 _chemical_compound_source 'commercial Alfa Aesar 99%' _chemical_formula_structural 'Nb O2' _chemical_formula_sum 'Nb O2' _chemical_name_mineral 'Niobium dioxide' _chemical_name_systematic 'Niobium dioxide' _space_group_IT_number 88 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-I 4ad' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'I 41/a :2' _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_formula_units_Z 32 _cell_length_a 13.698 _cell_length_b 13.698 _cell_length_c 5.976 _raman_determination_method experimental _[local]_chemical_compound_color black _[local]_chemical_compound_state Solid _raman_measurement_device.location 'University of Trento' _raman_measurement_device.company Horiba _raman_measurement_device.model Aramis _raman_measurement_device.optics_type microscope _raman_measurement_device.microscope_system dispersive _raman_measurement_device.microscope_objective_magnification 50 _raman_measurement_device.microscope_numerical_aperture 0.50 _raman_measurement_device.excitation_laser_type helium-neon _raman_measurement_device.excitation_laser_wavelength 633 _raman_measurement_device.configuration simple _raman_measurement_device.resolution 2 _raman_measurement_device.power_on_sample 12 _raman_measurement_device.direction_polarization unoriented _raman_measurement_device.spot_size 1 _raman_measurement_device.diffraction_grating 600 _raman_measurement.environment Air _raman_measurement.environment_details ; The sample was measured in air. ; _raman_measurement.temperature 300 _raman_measurement.pressure 100 _raman_measurement.background_subtraction no _raman_measurement.background_subtraction_details ; No background subtraction method was applied. ; _raman_measurement.baseline_correction no _raman_measurement.baseline_correction_details ; No baseline correction method was applied. ; _raman_measurement.integration_time 300 _raman_measurement.datetime_initiated 2018-01-15 _rod_data_source.file NbO2.rod _rod_data_source.block 3500020 _rod_database.code 3500203 loop_ _raman_complementary.id _raman_complementary.method 1 EDX loop_ _raman_measurement_device_calibration.id _raman_measurement_device_calibration.standard 1 silicon_wafer loop_ _rod_related_entry.id _rod_related_entry.code _rod_related_entry.database _rod_related_entry.uri _rod_related_entry.description 1 1520791 COD http://www.crystallography.net/cod/1520791.html ; no XRD analysis data. ; loop_ _raman_spectrum.raman_shift _raman_spectrum.intensity 102.279 95.75 104.522 115.25 106.766 117.25 109.007 124.75 111.248 110 113.489 110 115.728 114.5 117.967 121.5 120.207 110 122.445 116.75 124.682 113.25 126.919 115 129.155 113.25 131.39 132.5 133.624 128.75 135.858 124.5 138.09 122.5 140.323 131.5 142.555 153.5 144.786 169.75 147.017 249.5 149.247 393 151.475 506.5 153.704 372.25 155.932 233.25 158.158 170 160.385 162 162.612 147.25 164.836 152.25 167.061 173 169.284 182.25 171.508 209.5 173.729 258 175.952 375 178.172 502 180.394 628.5 182.613 666.5 184.833 547.5 187.051 334.5 189.268 207.75 191.486 145 193.702 136 195.917 130.5 198.134 117.25 200.348 120.25 202.561 109 204.774 117.75 206.986 103.5 209.198 108.75 211.409 101.5 213.621 105 215.83 109.5 218.039 109 220.248 126 222.456 118.25 224.663 136 226.868 138.25 229.074 125.75 231.279 133.25 233.484 134.25 235.688 149.5 237.892 147.75 240.093 160.25 242.295 143.5 244.497 132.75 246.698 125.5 248.897 123.25 251.096 132.5 253.295 137.25 255.492 152 257.69 173 259.886 196.25 262.083 170.5 264.277 153.5 266.473 141.5 268.666 135.25 270.86 142 273.052 161.25 275.245 191.25 277.436 213 279.626 200 281.816 191 284.006 170.5 286.194 168.5 288.382 162.75 290.569 156.5 292.757 152 294.943 160.25 297.128 162.75 299.313 154.5 301.497 166 303.68 158.25 305.863 162.5 308.045 165.25 310.227 163 312.408 163.75 314.588 156.5 316.768 171.5 318.947 181 321.125 185 323.302 189.75 325.479 202 327.656 214 329.832 239.75 332.007 263.25 334.181 304.5 336.355 381 338.528 478.5 340.7 624.25 342.872 730 345.043 779 347.214 675.75 349.383 570.5 351.553 517 353.721 558.75 355.889 585.5 358.056 559.25 360.224 513 362.389 451.75 364.554 346.75 366.72 281.5 368.883 232.25 371.046 207 373.209 191 375.372 171 377.533 180.25 379.694 185.75 381.854 180 384.013 187 386.172 197.25 388.33 207.75 390.487 232 392.644 244 394.801 272 396.957 295.25 399.112 347.75 401.266 393.25 403.42 436.25 405.574 458 407.726 543.75 409.878 644 412.029 807.5 414.179 990 416.33 1146.25 418.48 1126.5 420.627 942 422.776 745 424.922 554.5 427.07 452.25 429.216 371.5 431.361 319.5 433.507 274 435.65 237 437.794 232.5 439.937 233.25 442.078 219.75 444.221 236.25 446.361 240.5 448.503 234.25 450.642 232 452.781 204.75 454.919 198.75 457.058 193 459.195 170.25 461.331 161.25 463.467 158.75 465.602 160.5 467.737 176.5 469.871 173 472.004 170 474.137 191 476.269 157.5 478.401 153.25 480.532 146.5 482.662 144.75 484.792 129.5 486.921 125 489.05 125.25 491.178 129.25 493.304 127.25 495.431 134.25 497.557 123.75 499.682 132.25 501.806 120 503.931 115 506.054 117 508.176 129 510.299 124 512.42 125 514.541 129.75 516.661 118.25 518.781 112.5 520.9 122.25 523.019 122 525.136 119.5 527.253 121 529.37 120.25 531.485 125 533.6 126.5 535.714 121.75 537.83 126 539.943 125.5 542.055 137 544.167 138 546.278 131.25 548.389 134 550.499 133.25 552.609 145.5 554.718 137.5 556.826 143.75 558.934 131 561.041 152.75 563.148 150 565.254 152.5 567.359 159.5 569.464 165.5 571.569 184.75 573.671 201.25 575.774 207.5 577.877 214 579.977 233.5 582.079 240.75 584.18 250.75 586.279 283 588.378 322 590.476 355 592.574 354.25 594.671 342.75 596.768 314.5 598.864 271.75 600.96 233.75 603.054 214.25 605.148 191.5 607.242 182.5 609.335 173.75 611.427 166 613.519 165.75 615.61 160.25 617.7 166.25 619.79 172 621.879 165 623.968 177.5 626.055 186.75 628.144 191.5 630.231 202 632.317 212.5 634.403 228.75 636.486 250.5 638.571 263.25 640.655 280 642.738 295.5 644.821 283 646.903 265.5 648.984 258.25 651.064 236.5 653.144 213.5 655.224 199 657.302 198.5 659.381 173 661.459 166.25 663.535 162 665.612 160.25 667.687 157 669.763 156 671.837 149.5 673.912 152.5 675.985 140.5 678.058 138.5 680.13 146.75 682.201 145.75 684.273 145 686.343 139.75 688.412 144.75 690.481 145 692.551 139.25 694.618 140 696.686 143.75 698.752 139.75 700.818 143 702.883 142.25 704.948 144.5 707.013 149.5 709.076 150.5 711.139 152.5 713.202 157 715.264 153.75 717.326 146.75 719.385 148.5 721.445 148 723.505 149 725.564 132.25 727.623 140.5 729.68 132 731.737 136.5 733.794 130.5 735.849 131.75 737.905 132 739.959 129 742.014 131 744.067 128.75 746.12 126 748.172 125.75 750.224 121 752.275 129 754.325 119 756.376 127 758.424 125.25 760.473 128.5 762.521 122.75 764.569 124.25 766.616 116.5 768.662 138 770.707 126.25 772.752 130.25 774.797 131 776.841 132.75 778.884 138 780.927 136 782.969 135 785.01 142.75 787.051 148 789.092 141.75 791.132 159 793.171 139 795.209 153 797.247 157.25 799.285 172.25 801.322 158.75 803.357 177.25 805.393 179.75 807.428 183.25 809.463 198 811.497 198.75 813.529 203.5 815.563 222 817.594 237.75 819.625 232.75 821.657 256.25 823.687 264 825.717 281.75 827.746 286.25 829.774 269 831.801 275.25 833.83 257 835.856 239.75 837.882 238.75 839.908 228.25 841.932 200 843.957 201 845.982 179 848.005 177 850.027 168.75 852.05 158.25 854.07 152 856.091 143.5 858.111 141 860.131 141.25 862.15 133.75 864.169 123.5 866.187 127 868.204 125 870.221 125.5 872.238 114.75 874.252 109.5 876.268 114 878.283 112.25 880.296 119.25 882.31 120.75 884.322 119 886.335 118.5 888.345 117.25 890.356 106 892.367 117.5 894.376 106.5 896.386 115 898.395 117 900.402 108 902.409 105.25 904.417 108.5 906.423 115.5 908.429 110.75 910.434 109.5 912.438 112.75 914.442 111.5 916.445 113.5 918.448 112 920.451 111.75 922.452 109.25 924.453 113 926.454 107 928.454 103.25 930.454 111.75 932.451 106.5 934.45 109 936.448 109.5 938.445 106.75 940.441 107 942.437 108.25 944.433 105.25 946.427 99 948.422 99.25 950.415 106.5 952.408 103.75 954.4 100.75 956.393 104 958.383 98.75 960.374 101.75 962.365 91.5 964.354 97.25 966.342 104.25 968.332 100.25 970.319 97 972.306 94 974.293 89 976.279 91.25 978.265 88 980.25 90.75 982.234 96 984.218 86 986.202 81 988.184 92 990.166 81 992.147 87.5 994.128 83 996.109 81.5 998.089 89.75 1000.07 84.5 1002.05 79.5 1004.02 79.5 1006 82 1007.98 79 1009.96 78.25 1011.93 75.5 1013.91 77.5 1015.88 77 1017.86 80 1019.83 80 1021.8 82.25 1023.77 86.75 1025.75 76.25 1027.72 82.25 1029.69 78.75 1031.66 80 1033.63 75.5 1035.6 82.5 1037.57 81.5 1039.53 77 1041.5 76 1043.47 82.5 1045.43 81.25 1047.4 74.5 1049.36 81.75 1051.33 83.25 1053.29 75.75 1055.26 78 1057.22 74.5 1059.18 79.75 1061.14 76.5 1063.11 77.75 1065.06 76.75 1067.03 74.5 1068.98 84.75 1070.94 76.75 1072.9 72 1074.86 70 1076.82 72.5 1078.77 81 1080.73 76.25 1082.69 74.75 1084.64 76.5 1086.59 77.75 1088.55 78.5 1090.5 78 1092.45 76.75 1094.41 72.75 1096.36 69 1098.31 76.75 1100.26 75.5 1102.21 81 1104.16 76.25 1106.11 79.25 1108.06 77.25 1110 83 1111.95 79.25 1113.9 77.5 1115.84 77.25 1117.79 80 1119.73 81.5 1121.68 75 1123.62 73.25 1125.57 81 1127.51 83.25 1129.45 75.25 1131.39 81.25 1133.33 81.25 1135.27 79.5 1137.21 80.5 1139.15 87.75 1141.09 82 1143.03 85.75 1144.97 90 1146.9 83 1148.84 83.75 1150.78 85.75 1152.71 88 1154.65 77.5 1156.58 78 1158.52 86.5 1160.45 88 1162.38 90.5 1164.31 88.25 1166.25 88.25 1168.18 84.5 1170.11 87.5 1172.04 78.75 1173.97 85 1175.9 87.25 1177.83 85.75 1179.75 88.5 1181.68 81 1183.61 92 1185.53 89.25 1187.46 84.75 1189.38 88.5 1191.31 83 1193.23 81.5 1195.16 85.25 1197.08 83.25 1199 83 1200.92 85.25 1202.84 88 1204.76 83.75 1206.68 91.25 1208.6 87 1210.52 85.5 1212.44 86.5 1214.36 84.5 1216.28 82.25 1218.19 85 1220.11 90.75 1222.03 81.5 1223.94 81 1225.86 80 1227.77 77.5 1229.68 82 1231.6 78.5 1233.51 86.5 1235.42 79 1237.33 76.5 1239.24 74.75 1241.15 77.5 1243.06 77 1244.97 79 1246.88 73.25 1248.79 61.75 1250.7 72.75 1252.6 71.5 1254.51 70 1256.42 70.75 1258.32 67.75 1260.23 67.25 1262.13 66 1264.04 71.5 1265.94 67.25 1267.84 68.25 1269.74 66.5 1271.64 66.75 1273.55 66 1275.45 64 1277.35 67 1279.25 61.75 1281.14 64.5 1283.04 65 1284.94 62.75 1286.84 59.75 1288.74 64 1290.63 63.5 1292.53 59.75 1294.42 57 1296.32 60.75 1298.21 66.5 1300.11 55.5 1302 57 1303.89 58.75 1305.78 59 1307.67 64 1309.57 58.25 1311.46 60 1313.34 62.75 1315.23 59 1317.12 59 1319.01 58.5 1320.9 62 1322.79 59 1324.67 64.75 1326.56 63.5 1328.45 62.5 1330.33 60.25 1332.21 62.5 1334.1 61.25 1335.98 62.5 1337.86 60.5 1339.75 57.5 1341.63 62.5 1343.51 60.5 1345.39 61 1347.27 64.5 1349.15 60 1351.03 57.5 1352.91 62.75 1354.79 61 1356.66 60.25 1358.54 63.5 1360.42 56.75 1362.29 70 1364.17 64.5 1366.04 61 1367.92 59 1369.79 71.25 1371.67 62 1373.54 63.5 1375.41 62.75 1377.28 58.75 1379.15 63.25 1381.03 62.5 1382.9 60.5 1384.76 63.75 1386.63 67.75 1388.5 66 1390.37 62 1392.24 63.5 1394.11 63.5 1395.97 63 1397.84 71 1399.7 57.75 1401.57 66.5 1403.43 62.75 1405.3 66.5 1407.16 63.75 1409.02 60.5 1410.89 59.75 1412.75 57 1414.61 67.5 1416.47 64 1418.33 63.5 1420.19 62.25 1422.05 62.75 1423.91 65 1425.77 62.5 1427.62 63.25 1429.48 66.25 1431.34 58.75 1433.19 54.5 1435.05 57.75 1436.9 59 1438.76 61.5 1440.61 59 1442.47 59.75 1444.32 59.25 1446.17 59.25 1448.02 56.25 1449.87 59.75 1451.73 58.5 1453.58 55.25 1455.42 61.5 1457.27 61.25 1459.12 59 1460.97 62.5 1462.82 66 1464.67 59 1466.51 58.25 1468.36 55.75 1470.2 58 1472.05 61 1473.89 60.75 1475.74 61 1477.58 58 1479.42 58.25 1481.27 60.75 1483.11 56.25 1484.95 57.25 1486.79 60.5 1488.63 61.75 1490.47 62 1492.31 57.75 1494.15 61.25 1495.99 64.75 1497.83 63.75 1499.66 59.75 1501.5 56.5 1503.34 59 1505.17 61.75 1507.01 65.25 1508.84 64.75 1510.68 61.5 1512.51 67.75 1514.35 65 1516.18 61 1518.01 69.5 1519.84 66 1521.67 64.5 1523.5 68 1525.33 70.75 1527.16 65 1528.99 68 1530.82 73.5 1532.65 70.25 1534.48 68 1536.3 66.5 1538.13 67.25 1539.96 74 1541.78 70.5 1543.61 69.5 1545.43 67.25 1547.26 69 1549.08 67.5 1550.9 69.5 1552.73 71.25 1554.55 70.5 1556.37 76.25 1558.19 66 1560.01 75.5 1561.83 66 1563.65 71.5 1565.47 72.5 1567.29 73.5 1569.11 77.75 1570.92 72 1572.74 73.75 1574.56 70.25 1576.37 73 1578.19 70.25 1580 71 1581.82 72.25 1583.63 72.75 1585.45 75.75 1587.26 74.75 1589.07 71.25 1590.88 72.5 1592.69 70.5 1594.51 76.25 1596.32 69 1598.13 70.5 1599.94 73.75 1601.74 74.75 1603.55 72.75 1605.36 74.25 1607.17 69 1608.97 65.5 1610.78 69.5 1612.59 69 1614.39 67.75 1616.2 66.75 1618 68.5 1619.81 67.25 1621.61 69 1623.41 64.25 1625.21 71.75 1627.02 63.25 1628.82 60 1630.62 61 1632.42 62 1634.22 64.5 1636.02 61.5 1637.82 59 1639.61 71.25 1641.41 61.75 1643.21 56 1645.01 62.5 1646.8 57 1648.6 57.75 1650.39 55.5 1652.19 58.25 1653.98 58 1655.78 57.25 1657.57 52 1659.36 57 1661.16 56.25 1662.95 61.5 1664.74 63.75 1666.53 61 1668.32 52.5 1670.11 56.75 1671.9 55 1673.69 59 1675.48 53.25 1677.26 55 1679.05 58.75 1680.84 53 1682.63 52.5 1684.41 50.5 1686.2 52.75 1687.98 56.5 1689.77 53 1691.55 53 1693.33 52.5 1695.12 52 1696.9 50.25 1698.68 54.5 1700.46 54.75 1702.24 56.5 1704.02 54.5 1705.8 55.25 1707.58 57 1709.36 56.5 1711.14 50.5 1712.92 54.5 1714.7 58.25 1716.47 54.75 1718.25 48.5 1720.03 49.75 1721.8 56.5 1723.58 51.5 1725.35 53 1727.13 52.25 1728.9 47 1730.67 48.75 1732.44 57.5 1734.22 50 1735.99 52.5 1737.76 53 1739.53 49.75 1741.3 45.75 1743.07 50.75 1744.84 49.5 1746.61 50.5 1748.38 47.5 1750.14 48.75 1751.91 48.75 1753.68 49.5 1755.44 56.25 1757.21 49 1758.98 51 1760.74 47.75 1762.5 51 1764.27 50 1766.03 48.5 1767.79 52 1769.56 44.5 1771.32 52.75 1773.08 48 1774.84 51.75 1776.6 49.5 1778.36 50.5 1780.12 45.25 1781.88 51.25 1783.64 48 1785.4 51.25 1787.15 50.75 1788.91 50.5 1790.67 50.25 1792.42 47.5 1794.18 54.25 1795.93 45 1797.69 48.25 1799.44 47 1801.2 45.75 1802.95 51 1804.7 49.25 1806.46 45 1808.21 51.5 1809.96 47.75 1811.71 48 1813.46 49.75 1815.21 46.5 1816.96 47.25 1818.71 51.25 1820.46 52 1822.2 45.5 1823.95 49.5 1825.7 46.5 1827.44 47.25 1829.19 47.25 1830.94 49.5 1832.68 46.5 1834.42 50 1836.17 49.75 1837.91 52 1839.66 51.5 1841.4 50.75 1843.14 47.25 1844.88 53 1846.62 41.75 1848.36 46.5 1850.1 50 1851.84 47 1853.58 47.5 1855.32 47.5 1857.06 50.25 1858.8 52 1860.54 50.75 1862.27 50.25 1864.01 52.25 1865.74 48 1867.48 44.75 1869.22 51.5 1870.95 49.75 1872.68 46.5 1874.42 50.5 1876.15 52 1877.88 50.25 1879.61 50.25 1881.35 45 1883.08 52.5 1884.81 45 1886.54 42.5 1888.27 49.5 1890 50.25 1891.73 50.5 1893.45 48 1895.18 48.75 1896.91 45 1898.64 46 1900.36 52.75 1902.09 50.5 1903.81 50 1905.54 52 1907.26 49 1908.99 52 1910.71 45.25 1912.43 49.75 1914.16 51.75 1915.88 45.25 1917.6 46 1919.32 44 1921.04 44.75 1922.76 48 1924.48 45.25 1926.2 47 1927.92 41.5 1929.64 50.25 1931.36 47 1933.08 51.75 1934.79 48.25 1936.51 47.25 1938.23 47 1939.94 48.75 1941.66 54.25 1943.37 44.5 1945.08 49.25 1946.8 52.5 1948.51 48.5 1950.22 45.5 1951.94 47.75 1953.65 48.25 1955.36 49.75 1957.07 52.5 1958.78 47.5 1960.49 49.25 1962.2 47 1963.91 46.75 1965.62 47.75 1967.33 51.25 1969.03 55 1970.74 46.5 1972.45 46.5 1974.15 51.75 1975.86 47.5 1977.56 51.75 1979.27 49.25 1980.97 47.75 1982.68 48.5 1984.38 50 1986.08 46.75 1987.79 46.75 1989.49 48.25 1991.19 51.25 1992.89 56.5 1994.59 44.75 1996.29 48.5 1997.99 49.25 1999.69 47.25